Have fun in the saddle with your horse!
Have fun in the saddle with your horse!
Have fun in the saddle with your horse!
Have fun in the saddle with your horse!
I help you and your horse ride like a happy team – by using ground work exercises (aka “horse yoga”) to bring balance, awareness and fun to your time in the saddle.
Free Video Training
Horse Yoga Flow & Fun
How to Start Off on the Right Foot with Your Horse (and Ease Pre-Ride Confusion)
Are you unsure what to do first with your horse? Tired of anxiously staring at him, wondering how to start the ride off on a good note? This 6-minute video training will help you gain immediate insight into your horse’s muscle patterns before you ride. All while building your own awareness, confidence and relaxation around your horse!

Get some of my horse know-how for free
I’m so committed to helping you find fun in your riding, I’m giving you access to this practical, easy course on horse yoga.
Horse Wise® Habits
How to focus on the simple things that bring the biggest progress.
Think like a horse
Learn the small things that are most important to a horse. So you can understand his perspective and behavior (and bond with him in the process)
See like a spy
Understand how to observe yourself and your horse neutrally (with a CSI mindset). So you can see things you never had noticed before.
Learn like a kid
Get back in touch with that inner kid who just loved being with horses. So you can relax, laugh and enjoy learning new things again (without feeling judged).
“Lynn puts the Laughter, Energy, Action, Relaxation, Newfangled, Imagination, Nifty, and Groundbreaking back into Learning!”

Horse Wise® Student
Ready to bring flow and fun back in your riding?
Book an intro assessment with Lynn today.
Meet Lynn Reardon
Hi, I’m Lynn Reardon. I know what it feels like to be confused, awkward and desperately eager to be skilled in the saddle. I spent much of my equestrian life as an amateur – and didn’t even learn how to ride until I was an adult.
My amateur status ended when I left a corporate career to open an ex-racehorse adoption ranch. Thanks to my ex-racehorse mentors, I learned to keep things simple and focus on what meant the most to each horse.
My awareness of their body language (and how it mirrored my own) grew steadily – and brought many insights that became the core of my training and teaching philosophy:
Do less sooner.

"I think what makes Lynn’s coaching particularly effective is her true gift for seeing the best in both horses and humans."

Horse Wise® Student

Custom Learning Labs
Special curriculum, courses and tutoring for veterinary or youth groups.
“Lynn’s passion for quality horsemanship is evident in her work…She is a talented teacher, but also a skilled writer and has a great way of making those around her, including horses, feel at ease.”

Horse Wise® Student
Ready to bring flow and fun back in your riding?
Book an intro assessment with Lynn today.
"I can't say enough good things about Lynn. We did a micro clinic and by the end I felt so relaxed and happy about the direction my horse, Lawyer, and I were headed."

Horse Wise® Student