Have Fun and Beat the Heat with Our New Summer Workshop Series!


My Place (Driftwood, TX)

Ground work and horse yoga sessions offered (using my horses)

  • Single session – 45 min @ $80
  • Monthly packages available – contact Lynn for more information

Your Place, Your Horse

(within 15 miles of Driftwood, TX)

Riding and ground work sessions offered (depending on you and your horse’s needs)

  •  Single session 45 min @ $85
  • “Micro clinic” assessment for you and your horse (75 min @$165)
  • Monthly packages available – contact Lynn for more information

Virtual Lessons

Long distance learning with Lynn

    • Riding sessions or ground work sessions
    • Pivo, iPhone and/or Zoom app formats 
    • Evenings and weekends only; 45 min length
    • Contact Lynn for more information

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