Have Fun and Beat the Heat with Our New Summer Workshop Series!

A Horse Wise® Micro-Course

Bring Fun And Flow To Your Riding


That sinking feeling you get when your horse doesn’t seem to enjoy your rides together. As if he is just going through the motions on autopilot, with feet like lead. What happened to those fun rides you used to have – with a happy, eager horse?

You’ve tried everything – treats, crops, self-recrimination. Nothing is working. But have no fear – Horse Wise is here. With equine yoga moves that will make you and your horse smile in the saddle again.

This 30-Minute Course Will Teach You:

Awareness of how a horse moves his body overall – so that you can see, feel, and influence the muscle patterns.

How it’s like using yoga – only for horses instead of people!

How you and your horse can become more balanced as a team, paving the way for more relaxed and fun rides.

Lesson One

Where are your horse's feet?

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Lesson Two

The foot bone is connected to the body bone​

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Lesson Three

How To Do The Yoga Exercises

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Lesson Four

Yoga #1 - Find the Feet

Lesson Five

Yoga #2 - Lateral Flexion

Lesson Six

Yoga #3 - Out and to the Side

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