Does your horse have difficulty with one lead? Do your lope transitions feel tight and unbalanced? This is the one-day workshop for you!
It can be frustrating to practice canter departs over and over – only to see little or no improvement. I‘ll teach you how to be aware of what is happening BEFORE you ask for the canter – so that you can set your horse up for success.
I have 4 ground work exercises to help you and your horse have canter transitions like butter (or coconut oil, if you and your horse are vegans). We will practice them on the ground and under saddle (yeah, they work both ways). You will learn:
- How to feel which lead your horse is on BEFORE they canter
- How to see which foot your horse likes to put more weight on (trust me, this is key)
- Why the trot is such an important part of the canter depart
- How to shape your horse into a good canter position (instead of pushing or pulling)
- What part of your seat and overall body position to adjust (so that your horse can canter off more easily)
Workshop includes ground exercises (for the horses and the riders) and under saddle work. All participants will receive a short video to watch before the clinic (as prep) – and workshop also includes post-workshop group zoom (for follow-up Q&A).
Registration Details
Teacher: Lynn Reardon
Spots available: Minimum of 3 people
Time Length: Four hours (most folks like 10 am – 2 pm)
Location: Your barn
Cost:$150/person or “5 for 5” Special Discount: For Fall 2023, I’m running a “5 for 5” discount for this workshop. 5 people for $500 (each person pays $100).
If you would like to host a HorseWise® “Ground Work to Help Canter Departs” workshop at your barn, please contact Lynn for more calendar availability. Texas locations preferred, but I’m happy to travel of out state too.